Keep it together

Recently, I noticed that the cookies were taking over again!

I’m not trying go start a workout club or anything, but I’m sure some of you who struggle with food like me can relate.

It can be so hard to get that workout in and not eat the late night ice cream. Especially at 4am after a show when there are free bags of peanut M&Ms in the greenroom.

The more I tour and work very odd hours I notice that health is incredibly important, possibly the most important.

So I recently changed something major. Now I workout before my day starts and I schedule my workouts like that are meetings that I cannot miss. I used to put my job as #1  but that’s not going to keep me alive.

With just this one change, I’m feeling a lot better already.  If you are in the same boat as me just try to make a tiny change this week go walking after dinner or anything you can do to get slightly healthier.

It just means you can make or listen to music even longer down the line!

Much love, Barclay

Please check my new single out now on Spotify and everywhere!!